Wondrous views from the hilltops, dense and thick forests of the wilderness, open seas, and picturesque cultural environments. This is what the Summer Travel Challenge 2021 was made of! Even though the summer is over and the winners of the challenge have been raffled, these 10 destinations are worth a visit any time of the year!

10 trips, 1 summer, and amazing prizes!
The idea of the Summer Travel Challenge was to visit ten fascinating destinations in Southwest Finland. Some of these places and routes are everyday favorites of those already living in the region, and some are hidden gems of untouched nature. Even though the challenge itself id over the fascination of these destinations remain! Check out the blog below for some of the best travel tips in Southwest Finland.
The Summer Travel Challenge inspired many travel companies who donated amazing prizes to be raffled among the participants! Here are the winners:
- Vitharun gift card: two ferry trips to Seili Island (two-way ticket from Turku) - Winner: Piritta H.
- Katve gift card: camping gear rental for a weekend for two (value 158€) - Winner: eveliinatiia
- Magni Mundi gift card to a guided tour in Finland - Winner: Jenni E.
- Retkipaikka book series (3 books, one per raffle) - Winners: Sun-T, mipkosk ja Porpana
- 100 € giftcard to Kylämäen hevostila horse stables - Winner: Royalettes
- Alvar Aalto – Kauttua, teollisuus- ja asuinalue -book and a canvas bag - Winner: Katihoo

10 best summer trip destinations in Southwest Finland
1. The Bay of Raisio | Raisio
- Start: Parking lot at Nesteentie
- Bus: By Föli to Raisionlahti
- Map: Uikkupolku (PDF)
- Length: 4km
- Signs: The route is indicated by road signs.
- Along the road: Information boards, an allotment garden, and a bird watching tower.
- Accessibility: The route is partially accessible, but not all the way. Part of the route runs along the duckboards.

Location of the checkpoint: The bird watching tower of Raisio Bay (not fully accessible)
2. Reservoir in Hauninen | Raisio
- Start: Parking lot at Santaojantie
- Bus: By Föli bus you can get close (2-3 km distance) to the route
- Map: Haunisten allas (PDF)
- Length: 3,5 km
- Signs: No road signs. An easy path to follow around the lake.
- Along the way: 2 lean-to shelters, 2 toilets, 2 fireplaces, and an 18-lane frisbee golf course.
- Accessibility: The route is partially accessible, but not all the way. Part of the route runs along the duckboards.

Location of the checkpoint: Eastern lean-to, accessible from the parking lot
3. Kajamonvuori Castle Hill | Masku
- Start: Kajamontie 124, Masku (no parking here!)
- Bus: Matkahuolto to Erämiehentie (Masku) + 1 km walk.
- Map: Kajamonvuori Museovirasto or Linnavuoren eräkeskus → check "Opaskartta" (only in Finnish)
- Signs: No road signs. Just go up the hill!
- Along the way: Iron Age stone wall, rock paintings, campfire site.
- Accessibility: Unfortunately, the route is not easily accessible.

The location of the checkpoint: Close to the stone wall from the Iron Age.
4. Oukkulanlahti bay | Lemu, Masku
- Start: Parking lot at Tarvontie, Lemu
- Bus: Matkahuolto to Lemu (Masku) + 5 km walk or bike.
- Map: Vaellusreitit Maskussa
- Signs: Signs lead from Kirkkotie to the parking lot and from the parking lot to the bird tower.
- Along the way: Kaidanpää bird watching tower, new duckboards, and information boards about nature.
- Accessibility: Unfortunately, the route is not accessible.

Location of the checkpoint: Bird watching tower close to a bridge.
5. Louhisaari | Askainen, Masku
- Start: The parking spot of the Louhisaari Manor, Louhisaarentie 244, Askainen
- Bus: By Matkahuolto bus to Askainen (Masku) + 2 km walk from the bus stop to the start of the route.
- Map: The map of Myllymäki and Louhisaari Manor
- Along the way: Louhisaari Manor (the birthplace of Marshal Mannerheim), museum, myrkkypuutarha, hedelmäpuutarha, puukuja, hyötypuutarha, Louhisaaren kartanon kahvila, Myllymäki
- Accessibility: The area of the manor is mostly accessible. However, the route to Myllymäki is not easily accessible for wheelchairs.

Location of the checkpoint: Info board of the manor.
6. Church of Saint Henrik | Nousiainen
- Start: Parking lot at Kirkkotie 212, Nousiainen
- Bus: Matkahuolto to the center of Nousiainen + 3 km walk.
- Along the way: Church, belfry, cemetery, rectory, Hirvijoki, and atmospheric rural landscape.
- Accessibility: The church and church surroundings are mostly accessible.

Location of the checkpoint: Info board of the church.
7. Valpperi Sports Center | Nousiainen
- Start: Parking lot at Urheilutie 17, Nousiainen
- Signs: A few road signs for jogging paths, a biking trail, and a frisbee golf course.
- Along the way: Sports center, sports hall, jogging trail, fitness stairs, mountain bike trail, shed, hut, frisbee golf course, swimming area, and a ski resort in the wintertime.
- Accessibility: The route is mostly accessible.

Location of the checkpoint: Up the stairs by the hut.
8. Kauttuan Ruukinpuisto | Eura
- Start: Sepäntie, Eura
- Bus: Matkahuolto to Kauttua + 1 km walk.
- Map: Find a map here (in Finnish) (PDF)
- Along the way: Historical industrial area, manor, inn, alpine rose park, a route through fascinating houses of Kauttua, Alvar Aalto's Terraced House, exhibition space, Jokisauna building, jewelry designer, flea market, café
- Accessibility: Some parts of the area are accessible.

Location of the checkpoint: Terassitalo, Alvar Aallontie 4, apartment 3
9. Marttilan Korven Hiking Route | Marttila
- Start: Parking lots at Palainen beach or Huhtaanmaja.
- Bus: Matkahuolto to Palainen (Marttila) + 4 km walk.
- Map: Heikolan kyläseura (on the left of the page click "Eräreitistö")
- Length: 5-11 km, or altogether even 20 km.
- Signs: Blue and white paint.
- Along the way: Fireplaces, sheds, toilets, beach, water points, camping areas, a sauna, and meeting room.
- Accessibility: The route is not easily accessible, but you can easily enjoy Palainen beach.

Location of the checkpoint: Info board of the Palainen beach
10. Piikkiö Castle Hill | Kaarina
- Start: Parking lot at Lystiläntie 21, Piikkiö
- Bus: Föli and Matkahuolto
- Map: Piikkiön linnavuori
- Length: 3,5-7 km
- Signs: A signboard, painted signs, and capes.
- Along the way: Lean-to, fireplace, road signs, a toilet.
- Accessibility: Unfortunately, the route is not accessible.

The checkpoint can be found: on top of the Huttala hillfort (Huttalan linnavuori).
P.S. You can get familiar with the residential areas of the Turku region in advance with the help of our free search engine!
Moikka Timo! Palvelumme nimi on Know Your Hoods, joten se ei vaihdu kielen vaihtamisen myötä. 😊 Vaihtuihan kuitenkin blogikirjoituksen kieli suomeksi?
T. Susanna | Know Your Hoods
Hei ja ihanaa että innostuit! Marttilan eräreitistöllä ja Haunisten altaalla pitäisi olla polttopuita saatavilla (toki ruuhka-aikoina suositellaan tuomaan varalta mukaan), Kajamonvuoren nuotiopaikasta ja Valpperin urheilukeskuksen laavusta emme valitettavasti osaa sanoa – ehkäpä näihin kannattaa varautua ja tuoda omat polttopuut mukaan.
Mukavaa, että olet lähtenyt rasteille! Harmi juttu, että et löytänyt Piikkiön rastilappua. Kirjauksia rastille on tullut, joten se taisi piilotella juuri sinulta. 😊
Lähetän sähköpostilla kuvan rastilapusta, jotta voit kirjata itsesi käyneeksi kohteessa.
Kiitos Markku palautteesta! Mukavaa, että innostuit lähtemään uusiin kesäretkipaikkoihin!
Nimi Hoods tulee naapurustoista, jotka ovat meidän palvelun ydin. Mutta kovin innoissamme olemme myös ympäröivästä luonnosta, joten ehkäpä jossain yhteydessä myös Wuuds tulee otettua käyttöön. 😉
Hei Heidi! 🙂 Kiitos mahtavasta palautteesta ja mukava kuulla, että viihdyit kesäretkillä!
Palkintojen voittajiin olemme jo olleet yhteydessä sähköpostilla 23.8. ja voittajien nimimerkit on julkaistu tässä blogikirjoituksessa palkintojen yhteydessä, Facebookissa ja Instagramissa.
Jos ei voitto tällä kertaa osunut kohdalle, niin seuraavia haasteita on tulossa, kannattaa pysyä kuulolla! 🙂