It's time to capture the most inspiring, beautiful and versatile sceneries in Kaarina! Rakas Kaarina (Beloved Kaarina) -photography competition is organized together by local newspaper Kaarina-lehti, The City of Kaarina, Kaarinan Kehitys Oy and Know Your Hoods.
How to enter the competition?
- In the nature during 5.-16.2.2020: We start the competition by turning the cameras towards the beautiful nature of Kaarina.
- Modern and historical Kaarina: Photographers are encouraged to take photos of the built environment of Kaarina, both modern and historical sites.
- Life of the residents in Kaarina: This theme encourages to take photos of the people and animals of Kaarina. Just remember to ask a permission from the people, who are recognizable in your photos.

3 ways to participate
You can participate the competition with a photo that captures the given themes, and naturally is taken in Kaarina. Remember to let us know from where and when the photo is taken. If there is a story related to the photo, we would love to hear about it :) There are 3 ways to participate, so choose the one that is best for you:
- Instagram: Publish a picture with a hashtag #rakaskaarina. NOTICE! In order to participate, your Instagram account needs to be public.
- Facebook: Publish a picture to the comment section of the competition post at @knowyourhoods Facebook page.
- Email: send the photo to
Selecting the winners & prizes
- Winners of the weekly themes: The weekly winner will be selected by the organizers.
- Winner of the overall competition: The organizers will select the best photos of the whole competition and these photos will be published for voting in our blog. The organizers will select the winner among the photos that receive most votes.
- Publishing the winners: Winning pictures will be published in Kaarina-lehti and in organizers' websites and/or social media channels.
- Weekly prizes: The weekly prize varies every week and it is published together with the new theme.
- Prize for the overall winner: The winner will be awarded with a 100 euros gift card to 50/50 Bistro in Littoinen.
- Prize for the voter: Kaarina related prize will be raffled among the voters of the final photos.
- In addition: Every winner will receive a rare and wanted I love Kaarina mug. The rumour says that people would like to buy these, yet they are only given to a few :)

Terms and conditions
- The copyright of the photo remains with the photographer.
- The organizers are local newspaper Kaarina-lehti, The City of Kaarina, Kaarinan Kehitys OY and Know Your Hoods.
- The organizers have the rights to use the photos and photo captions entered into the competition in their own websites and other channels (social media, newspaper etc.) with the photographer's name or user name.
- If you want any other name to be used than your name on Facebook or username on Instagram, please mention the name in the photo caption when posting the photo. If you send the photo by email, remember to mention which name you want to be mentioned if you win.
- By posting the photo you ensure that you have the right to use and distribute the photo and it doesn’t violate anyone’s copyright and/or privacy.
- If the photos include recognizable people, the photographer is responsible that the people have given their consent for the photo and its distribution.
- Persons 15 years or older may participate in the competition, minors with the consent of their parents/guardian.
- One person may enter the competition with max 3 photos per theme. If one person has entered more photos per theme, the first 3 uploaded/sent photos will participate in the competition.
- Winners are contacted each week through the channel where they participated in the competition. The winner must respond in 3 days to the competition organizer or the organizer has the right to pass the prize forward.
- The winner of the entire competition may have their story published in Kaarina-lehti and in other organizers' channels.
- The organizers have the right to organize a photo exhibition in Kaarina-talo.
- The photos entered into the competition must be in good taste and must not violate anyone’s rights nor degrade anyone. The organizers have the rights to remove such photos from the competition.
- An individual competitor may be disqualified if he or she violates the rules despite being warned.
- The organizer has the right to modify these rules if needed. Changes will be notified in social media channels.

We are looking forward to see surprising, inspiring and engaging photos that make people smile. Good luck in the competition!
- Organizers of the competition
P.S. If you have any further questions concerning about the competition, please leave a question to the comment section of this blog post.
Moikka Minna! Osallistujien kuvia voi tällä hetkellä ihastella Instagramissa tunnisteella #rakaskaarina ja Facebookissa sivun yläreunaan kiinnitetyn postauksen yhteydessä. Keskiviikkona 19.2. julkaistaan ensimmäisen teeman voittaja, joka on meidän raadin valitsema.
Varsinainen finaaliäänestys alkaa täällä blogissa maaliskuun alkupuolella, eli silloin poimimme osallistuneiden kuvien joukosta finalistit lukijoiden äänestettäväksi. Tulethan siis silloin takaisin antamaan äänesi? 🙂
T. Susanna | Know Your Hoods