Finnish Christmas traditions – Christmas calendar days 2-8

Susanna | 8.12.2019

Our project manager Soile was feeling a bit gloomy after the rainy November. Because most of us do something special to create that magical Christmas feeling, Soile asked some help. We'll be sharing ideas for Christmas in our Christmas (Advent) Calendar. At the same time, you can take a peek on Finnish Christmas traditions.

Soile chose 24 ideas sent by you and we'll publish them daily in our Facebook and Instagram pages. In addition, we publish a blog post every Sunday to collect the ideas shared during the week. In this blog post we'll introduce you the doors 2-8 of our.

December 2nd

Hanna sent her picture from the idyllic Mathildedal village in Salo and reminded that the candles create a lovely ambience. Soile appreciated an easy start to create that special Christmas feeling and lit the candles.

Three candles in the window bench. The window is frosty and the snowy scenery is experiencing the blue moment.

December 3rd

Although the Christmas is approaching, December is still filled with work. Hely recommended to change the scenary and escape the everyday office environment. Great option is Hunajakoto mansion in Jokioinen, where Hely spent some time with her daughter. Soile got so excited about the place, that she started browsing through the bus schedules already.

Different Christmas decorations in front of a women, who is typing on a computer.

December 4th

The weekly winner of the Rakas Turku (Beloved Turku) photo competition was Jyri Aerikkala (Instagram account @aerijyr). The photo reminds us to unwind and to find the peace and quietness. Everything, that the Christmas time should be.

Foggy scenary in the Pomponrahka Swamp on a rainy day in November.

December 5th

@lentula (Instagram account) suggested that the true Christmas feeling is created together with your loved ones and that, if anything, is worth toasting for! Soile promised to follow the lead and to raise a toast during the December.

Red drink in a crystal classa, Christmas lights in the background.

December 6th

December 6th is the Independence Day of Finland and the day is being celebrated throughout the country. Annually, the president of Finland hosts a party with altogether 2000 guests. It is common that the ones who wasn't invited, gather together with their family and friends to watch the celebrations.

Petri suggested that in addition to watch the party, we can find the festive spirit by wandering around the city with beautiful lighting.

Building that is lighted with blue light to celebrate the Independence Day of Finland.

December 7th

@tittamarika (Instagram account) sent us the cutest tip ever, thank you! It is possible to see various lovely birds in the middle of a city in the Sports Park in Turku. Titta has already seen many common birds such us sparrows, tits and black birds and not so common species such as goshawk and nuthach. What you’d like to see?

A great tit on the branch of a spruce covered by snow.

December 8th

The traditional Christmas Market at the Old Great Square in Turku offers the true Christmas spirit with handicrafts, delicacies, music, theatre and much more. Thank you @flashingporridge (Instagram account) for the photo!

While visiting the Market, you can also be amazed by the most beautiful Christmas tree in Finland. Or do you disagree? ;)

Handicraft stand at the Christmas market with a seller and a buyer. Turku Cathedral in the background.

Thank you for all the lovely ideas! It seems that Soile is truly starting to enjoy the season. Follow our Facebook- and Instagram -pages to see the next doors of our advent calendar.


P.S. If you are planning to move or are otherwise interested about the neighborhoods, check out our search engine for neighborhoods.


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