The December is over halfway and despite the rainy weather Christmas is approaching. Our project manager Soile asked our followers to help her to create that magical Christmas feeling. We are sharing these ideas in our Christmas (Advent) Calendar and at the same time, you can take a peek on Finnish Christmas traditions.
Soile chose 24 ideas sent by you and we'll publish them daily in our Facebook and Instagram pages. In addition, we publish a blog post every Sunday to collect the ideas shared during the week. In this blog post we'll introduce you the doors 9-15.
December 9th
Pääkaupunkiseudun Kierrätyskeskus, aka Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre, shared a great idea to enhance the old Christmas ornaments. Just cut a round ornament in half with a saw, create a miniature world, glue it in and hang on a Christmas tree. ?
Soile was delighted by this idea as she values reuse and recycling in her everyday life. Anyhow, Soile would probably rather buy these tuned ornaments ready made than the supplies for crafting.

December 10th
Turku Cathedral and the Old Great Square are the heart of the Christmas City. This year, the City of Turku has truly outperformed itself with the lighting: the wonderful Christmas lights are twinkling in the Brahenpuisto in Turku. Arto managed to take this magnificent picture when Turku was covered in snow for few days.

December 11th
On Wednesday we celebrated the weekly winner of the Rakas Turku (Beloved Turku) photo competition. Congratulations Anne Cederlöf! She reminded us to enjoy the serene nature throughout the holiday season. We just wish to have some snow!

December 12th
Hanna’s advice for Soile, who is looking for the Christmas spirit, is that you cannot have too many gnomes at home. This raised a discussion in our social media channels of how many of them she actually has in her house. We believe there are dozens. :D

December 13th
Helmi send a picture of her self made Christmas decoration combining willow branches, orchids and Christmas lights. She has also made a beautiful wreath by herself. Knowing Soile, it might be best to start by putting lights into the branches of some houseplants. ? We are waiting for Soile's version any minute now.

December 14th
@kiikun_kaakun_ (Instagram) recommended to visit Christmas Market in Turku and to meet these cheerful gnomes and possibly even Santa! Traditional Market at the Old Great Square are open on Sunday 15th at 11-17 for the last time this year.

December 15th
Mikä voisi ilahduttaa tähän aikaan vuodesta enemmän kuin joulun herkut? @paisai75 (Instagram-tili) lähetti herkullisen kuvan lähellä tuotetusta ja puhtaasta ruoasta. Joulumarkkinat ovatkin erinomaisia kohteita lähellä tuotettujen herkkujen ja muiden joulujuttujen hankkimiseen.
Is there anything better during the Christmas time than all the delicious food and other delicacies? @paisai75 (Instagram account) sent us this photo and reminded us to appreciate the pure and local food.

Thank you for all the lovely ideas! It seems that Soile is truly starting to enjoy the season. Follow our Facebook- and Instagram -pages to see the next doors of our advent calendar.
P.S. If you are planning to move or are otherwise interested about the neighborhoods, check out our search engine for neighborhoods.