About Hoods

Accessibility Compliance Report

Last updated: 23rd December 2021

The Act on the Provision of Digital Services (Digital Services Act) implements the Web Accessibility Directive in Finland. The Digital Services Act outlines the accessibility requirements that digital services must meet. In particular, the law obliges the public sector to create accessible digital online services for all. While we at Know Your Hoods are not covered by this law, we for our part want to promote accessibility for everybody on an equal basis.

As we provide services in partnership with public organizations, we want to make sure that our online service is accessible to as many people as possible. We have gone through our hoods.fi service and done improvements, for example we have amended the color contrasts, improved visual elements and added ALT texts. We can always improve so if you have any suggestions please send us your suggestions through the feedback form or email us at info(a)hoods.fi.

You can read more about accessibility at the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland's accessibility page (in Finnish) and more on European Web Accessibility Directive on the European Commission website .