Summer trip in mind? — 7 Destinations for Families with Children near Turku

Elisa | 6.6.2024

Beaches, bike rides and laughing dragons - here are some of Southwest Finland's most stunning summer destinations, perfect for families with children. Did you read our previous blog on the best cultural destinations of the summer?

Unfortunately, the full blog post is currently available only in Finnish. If you can read our beautiful languages or want to use Google Translate, you can read the Finnish blog post here.

P.S. You can get familiar with the residential areas of the Southwest Finland in with the help of our free neighborhood search engine!

-Elisa and Know Your Hoods


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Hi.I.m in Turku.

9.6.2024 15:49Vastaa
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Welcome! We have other blog posts about activities in the Turku region too. This blog post by Elisa about flea markets in the region is one of my favourites:

I hope you enjoy your time in Turku! 🙂

Best wishes,
Anna from Know Your Hoods

10.6.2024 10:24
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