The second part of the Colors and lights photo competition concentrated on fascinating lights in the darkness of the autumn. We thank all the photographers for participating in the competition! The winners have been chosen!
Our main goal in Know Your Hoods - search engine for neighborhoods is to reveal the unique neighborhoods and encourage people to get to know their own surroundings better. We received amazing photos from Turku, Kaarina, Raisio, Naantali and other cities in the region that embrace the sparkles of light in the darkening days.
More than 100 amazing photos attended the photo competition. Our jury chose 12 finalists of which readers could vote for their favorite. Altogether these pictures received 237 votes and every single one of the pictures had its own fans. :)
We also raffled a prize among voters. Voter called Seija Abraham got lucky this time and will be rewarded with a 20 euro gift card to Fiilis Cafe.
Here are the winners!
Jury's choice: Reflections on Aura River

This amazing picture will be rewarded with a 20 € gift card to Bulleriina in the Turku region. Congratulations Manu Sund!
Voters' choice: Theatre Bridge of Turku

This amazing picture will be rewarded with a 50 € gift card to Ravintola Trappi in Naantali. Congratulations Anitta Bergbom!
12 finalists
Our jury chose these 12 finalists which the readers could vote for their favourite:
1. River view in Lieto

2. Theatre bridge of Turku

3. Halinen Dam

4. Blue moment in Tikanmaa

5. Foggy morning in Piikkiö

6. Street view in Naantali

7. Reflections on Aura river

8. Ships in the sun in Airisto

9. Urban glow of Raisio center

10. Red sun over Naantali

11. Melting snow

12. Funicular of Turku

These were the rules for voting
- Voting: Comment with a number of your favorite photo and a short reasoning for the choice in the comment section of this blog post.
- When? Voting is open 3rd-13th of December 2020.
- Readers' choice: The photo with the most votes is the winner. The photographer will be rewarded with a 50 € gift card to Ravintola Trappi in Naantali.
- Jury's choice: Our jury will decide the second winner, who will be receive a 20 € gift card to Bulleriina in the Turku region.
- Prize for voting: We will randomly draw one of the voters who will receive 20 € gift card to Fiilis Cafe in Turku
- Winner goes public: Winning pictures will be published in Know Your Hoods social media channels and in a local newspaper Turun Seutusanomat on December 17th, 2020.
- Additionally: Share the post and encourage your friends to cast a vote :)
P.S. The competition started off with the theme 'Colors'. View the winners of the Colors competition on our blog post.
P.P.S. You can get familiar with the residential areas of the Turku region in advance with the help of our free search engine!
Äänestän kanssa tätä samaa kuvaa.
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Elikkä siis numero 2
Kuva 2
Ja perustelu: silta ei ole koskaan näyttänyt näin upealta juhlavalaistuksessa ja kuvaan saatu vangittua tämä upea valo ja heijastuksia. Hieno otos!
Numero 8 on valintani. Kuvasta välittyy ihmeellisen dramaattinen tunnelma, jotain uhkaavaa tai pysäyttävää. Hieno valaistus ja värit!
Numero 1