Christmas has arrived and we've finished our Christmas (Advent) Calendar. As the November was really dark and gloomy, our project manager Soile asked our followers to help her to create that magical Christmas feeling. We've been sharing these ideas daily to take a peek on Finnish Christmas traditions.
Soile chose 24 ideas sent by you and we'll publish them daily in our Facebook and Instagram pages. In addition, we publish a blog post every Sunday to collect the ideas shared during the week. In this blog post we'll introduce you the doors 16-24. Have you already taken a look in doors 1, 2-8 and 9-15?
December 16th
Snow is truly one of the elements that create a magical Christmas feeling as Anette from Turku has proven with her picture. It’s starting to look like, that this year we’ll be celebrating Christmas without a snow. At least the Christmas lights, lanterns and candles bring light into the darkness.

December 17th
@soniakatariina (Instagram) recommended to give some hearty, homemade delicacies to friends and family during Christmas time. Sonja’s homemade granola has been a great success and no wonder. Soile is wondering, if any granola could be heading towards Turku?

December 18th
December 18th we celebrated the weekly winner of the Rakas Turku (Beloved Turku) photo competition. Turku Cathedral and the most beautiful Christmas tree in Finland are the true signs of Christmas time. Congratulations Sonja Laiho and thank you for the festive photo!

December 19th
Hasan suggested to serve the variety of cheese together with figs, olives, nuts and seeds. The Christmas philosophy ’the more the merrier’ truly applies to this serving as well. The photo is truly mouthwatering.

December 20th
Jukka shared a picture about his Christmas favorite, rice porridge. He also recommended to try out making the porridge with coconut milk. Soile appreaciated especially the idea of dairy free porridge and was delighted by the beautiful setting.

December 21st
For many (Finns), Christmas sauna truly highlights the Christmas Eve. It is a place to relax and forget about the daily routines. Thank you Uski for the peaceful picture.

December 22nd
Hanna found this lovely entrance with the beautiful and unique Christmas decoration. Her advice for Christmas is to decorate the home with everyone’s favorite ornaments and to spend time in activities we enjoy the most. We’ll follow this advice and eagerly wait for the snow to allow winter activities.

December 23rd
Trees covered with snow and lights are magnificent and reminds us that Christmas is almost at the door. Thank you Pia for the beautiful picture.

December 24th
The year has been full of versatile neighborhoods, interesting houses and lovely stories of local residents. To follow the theme, we built our own gingerbread house to celebrate Christmas and the year 2019.

Thank you for sending us lovely Christmas pictures and ideas, they truly created that special Christmas spirit for us all. We raffled few Christmas gifts amongst those, who sent us pictures. Meiju from Rauma and Hanna from Turku won movie tickets and Hely from Tampere won flower arrangement. Congrats!
Thank you for sharing this year with us: for all the encounters, amazing pictures for #rakasturkukilpailu, likes, visits in Know Your Hoods and for so much more. Now it is time to relax for a while and we’ll be back in January. Merry Christmas everybody!
-Susanna & the Know Your Hoods -team
P.S. If you are planning to move or are otherwise interested about the neighborhoods, check out our search engine for neighborhoods.